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Following the last Board of Directors meeting, the Aerospace Valley competitiveness cluster is pleased to welcome 36 new members...
Faites vivre le forum à l’un de vos jeunes collaborateurs !
On March 6, 2025 at 1:24 p.m. local time in Kourou, French Guiana, Ariane 6, the new European heavy-lift launcher operated by Arianespace;
Référence pour vos projets et vos stratégies numériques, il propose un accompagnement personnalisé en vue de la transformation numérique de votre entreprise, en particulier si vous êtes issu(e) des filières , Mobilité, Agriculture, Agroalimentaire et Santé.
Faites vivre le forum à l’un de vos jeunes collaborateurs !
On March 6, 2025 at 1:24 p.m. local time in Kourou, French Guiana, Ariane 6, the new European heavy-lift launcher operated by Arianespace;
Référence pour vos projets et vos stratégies numériques, il propose un accompagnement personnalisé en vue de la transformation numérique de votre entreprise, en particulier si vous êtes issu(e) des filières , Mobilité, Agriculture, Agroalimentaire et Santé.
The PCP-WISE project (Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions for Water Management from Space) was launched on January 1st 2025, marking the start of an ambitious international collaboration dedicated to the sustainable management of water resources.
Aerospace Valley is currently coordinating the SCAIRA project (ref S1/1.4/F0026), financed by the INTERREG SUDOE 2021-2027 programme.
Aerospace Valley is glad to announce the results of the Call for expression of interest organised as part of BRIDGESMEs European programme..
Le Pôle Aerospace Valley recrute son.sa Directeur ou Directrice délégué(e) Espace !
Call for Tenders for SPACE4Cities was launched today, 15 January 2025 and it will stay open until 9 April 2025. The tender forms, documents and other resources are now available on our website for you to apply.
Le Pôle Aerospace Valley recrute un.une Chargé.e de projet !
Discover the program of events offered by the Cluster such as thematic webinars, afterworks, infodays, business conventions, the Forum by Aerospace Valley, ...