Congratulations to our awarded members of BRIDGESMEs programme!
Aerospace Valley is glad to announce the results of the Call for expression of interest organised as part of BRIDGESMEs European programme, which will allow its members to be supported in their digital, environmental and human transformation or the development of their offer.
BRIDGESMEs programme, whose Aerospace Valley is partner, aims at supporting and connecting industrial SMEs with Industry 4.0/5.0 service providers from Aerospace & Defence, Mobility, Transport & Automotive and Electronics sectors, in order to accelerate digital, environmental and human transformation projects.
Intended for European startups and SMEs, the Call for expression of interest conducted to the selection of 35 companies, with 18 service providers and 17 industrial SMEs.
Among these companies, we can find 6 Aerospace Valley members:
- Agence Smart Industry
- Akeros
- Ateliers Bigata
- MecaBotix
- PocPocTech
Congratulations to them, and to the 29 other awarded SMEs!
Aerospace Valley is proud to support its members in their innovation projects, their development at the European level, as well as their digital, environmental and human transformation.
For more information about BRIDGESMES :
Contact :
Cyrille THUAL
Chef de projet
Chargée de projets européens