PROTECT’s events and activities – Fall 2023
As the summer period is coming to an end, the PROTECT project team would like to bring you up to speed on recent developments and PROTECT upcoming events starting already in September.
What is PROTECT?
The European Union funded PROTECT project aims to support public authorities in their climate adaptation and mitigation actions through the procurement of innovative climate services. PROTECT project will engage with a community of European public authorities – and specifically public buyers - to facilitate the definition and aggregation of their needs and requirements for climate services to prepare a joint innovative procurement (2024).
The goal is to prepare this community to undertake a joint Pre-Commercial Procurement fully funded by the European Commission. The PROTECT team is thrilled to announce you that the 19M EUR fully funded Horizon Europe Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) call has been officially published by the European Commission on the Funding & Tenders portal.
The PCP call entitled “Customisation/pre-operationalisation of prototypes end-user services in the area Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation” will open on 17 October 2023 and will close on 28 February 2024 at 17: 00 CET.
- For more information about the call, please visit:
- To access relevant material and documentation to best prepare for this call, please visit:
- To read the full description of the call, please visit the Funding & Tender opportunities’ portal
Please note that the European Commission will organise a series of info days about CLUSTER 6 funding calls and a brokerage event on 26th, 27th and 28th of September. For more information, please visit:

Upcoming activities
Paint Point webinars
On 12th and 13th September, a new series of online pain point workshops will be organised by the PROTECT partner Corvers. The objective of these webinars will be to finetune the selected four challenges and detail other possible use cases for climate adaptation and mitigation services that those public authorities/ buyers who will take part in the future PCP may have.
These webinars are open to all interested parties, including but not limited to the participants of the first PROTECT pain point workshops, those buyers/ public authorities who will position themselves for the upcoming PCP, as well as those who may just want to learn from others’ experience and gain knowledge.
If you are new to the PROTECT project, these online sessions will be the opportunity for you to get to know other buyers of the PROTECT Community and possibly join an existing consortium of buyers that will candidate for the PCP call.
For more information and to register for the workshops :
E-pitching Sessions
As you know, the PROTECT project supports the preparation of future candidate applications to the upcoming Pre-Commercial Procurement call by working both with the demand (public buyers) and supply side (providers) of Earth Observation (EO)-based climate services.
In this context, the PROTECT team will organise three virtual e-pitching sessions on September 18th and 19th with the objective to:
- Present, validate and enrich the findings of the mapping exercise you may have participated to, and the ongoing State of The Art analysis (Patent search, Technology Readiness Level, etc.);
- Briefly present innovative EO-based climate services that are already being commercialised and ongoing research & developments activities in the field of EO climate services that could lead to new innovative EO climate services.
During these e-pitching sessions, providers of climate services based on Earth Observation (EO) data will be invited on by one to briefly present the climate services they already commercialise, but more importantly, their ongoing research & developments efforts and activities in the field of EO climate services (TRL 2 to 6) that could lead to the development of new innovative EO climate services. To comply with public procurement rules and principles and to ensure privacy of providers’ innovations and technologies, providers will pitch within a secure online meeting area during a 5-minute time slot previously arranged. Only PROTECT partners and buyers/ representatives will be able to hear all providers’ e-pitches.
Three virtual sessions will be held on:
• Monday 18 September 2023 from 15:30 to 17:00 CEST
• Tuesday 19 September 2023 from 09:00 to 10:30 CEST
• Tuesday 19 September 2023 from 14:30 to 16:00 CEST
To register for the e-pitching sessions :

Training Webinars
Following the training webinars in the Spring the PROTECT project is thrilled to announce the launch of a new Fall training curriculum on Innovation procurement and climate services. PROTECT’s curriculum will continue exploring the wide range and scope of climate services and providing a comprehensive overview of the practical and advanced aspects of pre-commercial procurement in this field. The aim of the curriculum is to provide public procurers on EU, national, regional, and local levels with practical guidance and advice on how to effectively utilize innovation procurement to address their climate-related issues.
The second series of training webinars will answer key questions such as:
• What climate services are and how to use them to fulfil the organization’s mandate?
• How does the needs definition for climate services involve intra-organisational collaboration?
The training webinars are open to all interested parties, including but not limited to the participants of the first PROTECT pain point workshops and buyers/ public authorities who will position themselves for the upcoming PCP. Providers of climate services based on Earth Observation data are also welcome to take part.
Upcoming updates on the training webinars will be uploaded on the project’s website, where you can also consult the Spring edition of webinars:
Open Market Consultations
Following these e-pitching sessions, four virtual open market consultations will be organised on November 15th and 16th, each focusing on one of the four selected climate adaptation & mitigation challenges identified by public buyers of the PROTECT Community as a pressing issue for which no market solution has been identified yet.
During the open market consultations, buyers’ groups who have teamed up to tackle one of the four selected challenges in the upcoming PCP will present their challenges and needs in detail to the participating providers. They will also present the functionalities they expect the future innovative solution to provide to be able to meet their needs. Providers they will be able to ask questions to and seek clarification from buyers as regards their needs and expectations.
The dates of the four virtual Open Market Consultations will be announced very soon and discussed during both the briefing event and the e-pitching sessions, so stay tuned and do not forget to save your seat for these events!
If there are questions, an email can be sent to:
Ioana Rosca :
1. Groupe G.A.C est un cabinet de conseil qui aide les entreprises innovantes à bénéficier d'avantages fiscaux pour la R&D industrielle par le biais d’allocations de recherche.
2.GEMEENTE HAARLEM la ville de Harleem est le coordinateur d'un réseau d'acheteurs, par le biais de l’initiative Urban Agenda Partnership.
3.CORVERS PROCUREMENT SERVICES BV (CPS) est un cabinet de conseil juridique spécialisé dans le droit européen des marchés publics avec des clients importants aux Pays-Bas et à l'étranger.
4.CLIMATE-KIC HOLDING BV (CKIC) contribue à la création d'une société prospère, inclusive et résiliente au changement climatique, une économie circulaire et sans carbone.
5.CLIMATE ALLIANCE - KLIMA-BUENDNIS - ALIANZA DEL CLIMA e.V (CA) est le plus grand réseau de villes européennes dédié à l'action climatique.
6.ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE DES AGENCES DE DEVELOPPEMENT (EURADA) - rassemble les personnes travaillant sur le développement économique à travers un large réseau dans l'Union européenne et au-delà et met ses membres en relation avec d'autres agences de développement régional, des partenaires commerciaux et des autorités européennes.
7.GECOSISTEMA (GECO) est une société spécialisée dans le conseil en environnement, l'ingénierie et la recherche, fournissant des services avancés de conseil, de recherche scientifique, de développement de produits innovants, de science des données et de modélisation dans les domaines de l'environnement, du risque climatique et de l'intelligence géospatiale.
8.ISEM-INSTITUT PRE MEDZINARODNU BEZPECNOST A KRIZOVE RIADENIE, NO (ISEMI) - organisation à but non lucratif fournissant des services d'intérêt public.
9.AEROSPACE VALLEY est le principal pôle de compétitivité européen dans le secteur aérospatial et le coordinateur du WP1.3 de ce projet.
This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON EUROPE) under grant agreement No 101060592