Space4Cities : OMC Webinar #2 | Climate adaptation and resilience


10 min Introduction to SPACE4Cities and the Open Market Consultation (OMC) 
(Aerospace Valley)
30 min Presentation of the Climate Adaptation Challenge and its sub-challenges:
Wildfires and urban heat islands (Attica/Athens)

Flood and water-related risks (Ghent)

Green elements and climate adaptation in the urban space (Helsinki)

20 min Requirements and evaluation criteria 
(Gemeente Amsterdam)

10 min Q&A
10 min Presenting the Pre-Commercial Procurement process
(Forum Virium Helsinki)
10 min Q&A
5 min Wrap up and next steps
(Aerospace Valley)


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The SPACE4Cities project aims to procure a range of replicable solutions that use European satellite data for better and more dynamic management of public areas, green spaces, transport infrastructure and city maintenance – and the cities’ overall resilience.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101131955.