Deadline extended - METASTARS " Open Call For Prizes "

Financial contribution & Application process :

Financial contribution :

  • 3 prizes of 2.500,00€ each.
  • In addition, the winning SMEs will receive 733€ to travel and participate in the METASTARS final event alongside Aeromart Toulouse 2024.


Application process:

Complete applications will be composed of:

  • A filled administrative form;
  • A video between 3 and 5 minutes;
  • A written transcription of the video.


You would like to know more about this call? 

Please read the guide for applicants and apply before

13rd of September 2024 at 23:59 CET.

METASTARS Guide for Applicants

METASTARSAdministrative Form

METASTARS Prizes Video Instructions



Your contact

E-mail :