Bricks produced two reports on the skills and jobs of the future as part of the AMI CMA component of the France 2030 recovery plan. The conclusions of the reports  were published and were the theme of several meetings attended by professionals from industry, academia, research labs and public bodies notably from the two regions at the feedback sessions held in Toulouse and Bordeaux. Our ecosystem now has two comprehensive tools to design structured training programs tailored to meet sector needs both in qualitative and quantitative terms. 

Today, Bricks must bring together the main players in both regions to help them pool their strengths to design training programmes as part of the AMI CMA France 2030 recovery plan. Aerospace Valley has positioned itself as the body responsible for identifying industry needs. Several ambitious projects have been launched in our region: Cometes for space, Pegase, eOle and C2A for low carbon aircraft.

Bricks is a stakeholder in the new AMI CMA project audition process: the heads of the different AMI CMA training projects delivered pitches to a panel of administrators from industry and the academic world with the final decision being whether or not to provide a letter of support from the Cluster.

In terms of international development, Bricks consolidated its positions by participating in a matchmaking operation in Senegal between the members of our space ecosystem and Senegalese players to use satellite data as part of the SENSPATIAL Project. Bricks also took part in a conference on space and entrepreneurship in Angola and welcomed a Japanese delegation from Kobe airport to study opportunities for working together.

Bricks has continued to honour its cooperation projects abroad: in Vietnam where it is jointly developing a Bachelor’s program in Aeronautics Maintenance for USTH with support from Airbus and in Bolivia where it is supervising the training program for Bolivian air force non commissioned officers at the UTC in Compiègne.

Finally on the international level, Bricks has run several workshops on “How to work with foreigners” for the CESI, TBS, the IUT of Blagnac and ENIT (today UTTOP) as part of the PIA3 run by the CMQE AS Occitanie.


Prospects are internationally oriented with a skills support project with an African Space agency, matchmaking actions with the Senegalese space ecosystem and two training actions on behalf of the Indian company, HAL.

Bricks is preparing a pilot project featuring a tour of industrial sites in the Occitanie and Nouvelle Aquitaine Regions for 10th grade high school interns to strengthen the attractiveness of our local ecosystem.



BRICKS took part in the New Space Africa conference organized by Space in Africa, the leading space sector event in Africa. Bricks accompanied four Cluster members for a week rich in meetings and exchanges, which led to promising cooperation opportunities with space agencies, institutions and local economic players.