Sustainable aviation – exploring future French-Dutch cooperation projects
5 July 2022, 15:30 pm | B612 building, Toulouse
On the occasion of the visit of the Dutch Delegation on Sustainable Aviation to Toulouse, the Netherlands Aerospace Group and Aerospace Valley have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the seminar "Sustainable aviation – exploring future French-Dutch cooperation projects ".
The Dutch delegation is composed of 28 companies, research institutes and governmentrepresentatives, all involved in sustainable aviation.
The Dutch aviation industry is an important sector and consists of more than 100 companies, with an estimated combined revenue of € 5.5 billion per year and providing over 20.000 jobs. This makes it a truly vibrant and diverse industry.
The most relevant innovations of the Dutch aviation industry are focused on critical components and materials. Examples are hydrogen tanks and required infrastructure composite materials for construction and fuselage parts, aerodynamic optimization, advanced sensing technologies, thermoplastic materials, the maintenance of a new generation of aircraft and smart manufacturing technologies. In the past few years, the Dutch government has initiated support programs for the aerospace industry of which the National Growth Fund and Mobility Fund are notable examples. The Dutch aviation ecosystem itself also strongly invests in new aircraft technology.
The objective of the innovation mission to Toulouse is to initiate and stimulate bilateral cooperation between France and the Netherlands. Next to the fact that France and the Netherlands share an airline AirFrance-KLM Group, this includes promoting trade and sustainable innovation cooperation between both countries. On December 16, 2021, the Air France-KLM Board of Directors made the decision to move forward on the Group’s goal to improve its economic and environmental performance through the introduction of next generation aircraft with a firm order for 100 Airbus A320neo family aircraft - with purchase rights for 60 additional aircraft, to renew the fleets of KLM and Transavia Netherlands, and to renew and expand the fleet of Transavia France.
15:30 Welcome coffee
16:00 Start of the seminar with a plenary session followed by three breakout sessions on the themes Innovations in operations, Future systems & structures, Sustainable maintenance
19:00 Networking dinner cocktail
Location : Bâtiment B612, 3 rue Tarfaya, 31400 Toulouse
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